Sunday, August 10, 2008

Give your opinion

These are who people say Kurtis looks like, (and Iam being serious about KD Lang) So which one is your favortie?


The Vance Family said...

Ha Ha I Found you!!! Okay Curtis totally looks like the guy off the SVU show & KD Lang. I love the pic of hime on the couch with the stuffed animal, classic! We had fun swimming and BBQing with you!

Love you guys!

SmithDish said...

So cute! Your blog is totally already cuter than mine! How'd ya get the cute wall paper? O.k. I've got to put a little more effort into the smith blog. Your pics are all some of my favorites. Somehow Kurt does resemble Katy but not sure how, I never have seen that middle guy is he just random? But the last guy does have Kurts mouth. And I do have to say the way that blanket swaddles Kurtis's face does make him look adorable! Good Show Laila

Annie said...

That is too funny. I think he looks like the middle picture and KD Lang, but just a little. Not that he looks like a girl, she just looks like a man.

I have some pictures of Leo on my blog you can download if you want them. Next week works for T-Point if you can go then. Just let me know.

Kelli Proctor said...

KD Lang, what?! You are crazy! The 3rd guy totally looks like him! I dont know his name! So those pics of Leo are stinkin cute! Love them!

Sherri said...

Okay so seriously...KD Lang. I would have never made the connection but now that I think about it...yeah there is a little resemblance. Your post made me laugh, which normally isn't a bad thing, but when you've had your giblets worked on it can be kind of painful! (By the way I found your blog through Maurie's, I'm loving it!)

georgeandmarie said...

hey marie is going through the blogs and she found yours through the Johnson's. This is George. Bro, you totally look like the Patrick Wilson, check this out: I totally see it. anyways, have a good one you guys.
